" Jordan's First Snow"
There's something magical about the first snow of the season. Love or hate winter, there is beauty in those first flakes falling - blanketing the world in a soft hush of white. Winter beckons to the child in all of us, and the dogs are no exception. Jordan, then three months old, enjoys his first outing into this wonderous landscape in this month's featured art:
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 12 x 8", $85.00. To purchase, click here. Museum, Gallery Wrap and Brush Stroke finish available.
Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Featured Art
Monday, November 1, 2010
Featured Art
Here in Western New York, we have been fortunate to have had temperate, sunlit weekends perfect for viewing the spectacular foliage this fall. On one of our recent outings, we came across this little marsh tucked amongst the pines along a wooded trail; the stately trees perfectly reflected on its surface, the tranquil stillness seemingly tangible in this month's featured art:
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 24" x 16", $225.00. To purchase, click here.
Brush stroke finish, Gallery and Museum Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Silence Broken @ California Brew Haus
Here are a few pics of The Silence Broken from the fifth annual Halloween Bash at the California Brew Haus in Rochester, New York: John
This was their first show in six months after taking some time off as singer Nik Humphreys recouperated following a procedure he underwent that required resting his vocal cords. The guys sounded great - treating their fans to two new songs; playing seven songs in all from their forthcoming cd "In Search of Hope".
The band goes back into the studio this week.
For more info, visit The Silence Broken.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Here are a few pics from my session with Morgan, a twelve year old Golden Retriever. We're creating a surprise portrait for his Mom's 60th birthday ~ a gift from one of my clients.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Featured Art
Sunlight days and crisp nights transform the cool green of summer ~ drenching this maple in brilliant shades of autumn red, orange and yellow.
Fall is, with a doubt, my favorite time of year. I relish the days leading into winter. The air is crisp and cool; a welcomed respite from the sweltering summer heat, and the autumn sun baths everything in a luminous glow. These are coveted days, savored with long walks, morning rides, weekend outings, bonfires and fresh pressed cider. The vibrant foliage, the crunch of leaves underfoot, the smell of woodburning stoves, the honking of geese as they begin their migration south - it is a season that delights the senses, its splendor captured in this months featured art:Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 12" x 18", $175.00. To purchase, click here.
Brush stroke finish, Museum and Gallery Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cerragh Leigh
Here are a few pics from my session with Cerragh Leigh, a wonderful twelve year old yellow lab owned by Frank and Jeanne Lauta:
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
It is with great sadness that we said goodbye to Chief yesterday. I am grateful for the time he was with us, and that he went quietly in the end; though I'm not sure knowing that it would be soon was of any solace when the time came, just relief.
The day is grey and quiet, reflecting the mood on the farm, as if it knows we mourn. Manny and Choyce, Jordan and Caleb are all accutely aware of the absence and loss of their friend. There is a void in my heart this morning as big as his empty stall. How long before I will stop anticipating his greeting each morning I arrive at the barn?
Michaela and I will be planting a butterfly garden on his grave as a memorial; whenever he got out he would inevitably meander through the one by the pond - much to my dismay - completely obliterating it, as though Belgians hold some grudge against butterflies.
I am also setting up a fund that will benefit aged draft horses through sales of "Sentinel", a portrait of Chief, and September's featured art. At this time, I am not sure which organization(s) that will be. If you know of a worthy recipient, please let me know. "Sentinel"
Open edition Fuji Crystal Archive print, 10" x 15", $50.00. To purchase, click here. Additional sizes, papers and frame options available.
Open edition unstretched canvas print, lustre finish, 12" x 18", $175.00. To purchase, click here. Brush stroke finish, Gallery and Museum Wrap also available.12" x 18" Gallery Mount, $185.00. To purchase, click here.
12" x 18" Poster, $5.00. To purchase, click here.
Small Magnet, 2 3/8" x 3 1/4", $3.50. To purchase, click here.
Notecards w/envelopes: single card, linen paper, $3.50. box of ten cards, linen paper, $25.00.
Safe journey, big dawg. You will be missed.
Friday, September 10, 2010
100 Day Initiative
Beginning Wednesday, September 15 I hope you will join me as I embark on this initiative: 100 Days/100 Works.
The main goals of this initiative are to allow myself the opportunity to explore diverse subject matter, develop my skill and technique in various mediums; focusing on form versus scale while developing a body of work that will provide a platform from which larger pieces may be created - as well as maintaining discipline through accountability: namely, to you, the viewer.
Each original work will be approximately 5x7" and will be posted on a daily basis. A separate blog page has been set up, as well as a portfolio at SolacePointe.com.
If you would like to receive daily or weekly updates directly, please submit you request via the guestbook, or email me at betsy@solacepointe.com.
Here's looking forward to what the next 100 Days brings!
Solace Place, A Ten Year Retrospective
To my wonderful family, all of you who visited, and especially to GoArt! for hosting it in their beautiful gallery: my deepest gratitude and thanks for your support of this exhibit. The response received was overwhelming.
A photographic book featuring all of the images from the exhibit, artist notes as well as many more images from my personal archives is scheduled to be released by the end of October.
I am pleased to say that through sales from the exhibit, donations will be made to the following non profit organizations: The Humane Society at Lollypop Farm, The Nature Conservancy, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Genesee Orleans Regional Arts Council (GoArt!).
As many of you know, there are plans in the works for this exhibit to continue and grow. I have already been urged to put together future exhibits as our journey here continues. A retrospective every three to five years is currently being considered.
The exhibit will remain online throughout the remainder of the year, and will be the first exhibit on display in our newly renovated gallery at the Solace Pointe studio this fall.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Featured Art
Very often when I am outside working I will glance up to find Chief, our Belgian gelding, silently observing me. There is a wisdom in the depth of his gaze; a look of gentleness and knowing, perhaps earned through a life of service and labor in younger years. His days are now spent leisurely meandering about, as here, I assume the role of resident workhorse. Affectionately known as my "big dawg", it took time for us to become friends, this toady old belgian and me. But like many a crotchety old man, he has a softer side - and he has found that underneath it all I do, too. Our daily interactions have inevitably taught us much about one another, and slowly understanding has turned to acceptance, caring and most of all, the friendship we now share.
At nearly twenty-nine, Chief's aged body struggles at times, and there have been some rough days these past few weeks. Days when his old legs do not have strength to support his massive frame and we sit quietly together, taking comfort in the presence of one another. Days of watching and waiting for him to tell me he is ready to journey elsewhere, secretly hoping that he will instead just drift quietly away in his slumber, as I thought he had the first morning I came to know that he'd be leaving us before long. Peaceful. And without suffering.
I am thankful for each day he remains with us, knowing that he will tell me when it is time to say goodbye. Yet I am dreading that final call to the vet, or of finding him ... Every morning I am greeted by his gentle nicker is the sound of another precious day. I will take them as they come, and rejoice in their number ~ as I am not quite ready yet, either, dear friend.
Sales from this work currently go toward Chief's care. In the future, a portion of the continued sale of this work will be donated in his honor to support other aged draft horses. If you know of a worthy organization, please contact me.
Open edition unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 12" x 18", $175.00. To purchase, click here.Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Barn Swallows
It was such a short time ago that the swallows returned to spend the summer months raising their young within the weathered beams of our old barn. Four short months ago, to be exact, that the first male arrived on the evening of April 20th, delighting me with his presence and the promise that Spring had indeed finally arrived.
As August comes to an end, their second brood of four has been fledged - and, along with the other pair and their trio of fledglings, they have all left on the migratory journey that will hopefully see them return to us next Spring. Until then, I am left with empty nests to remind me of their cheerful greetings each morning as I arrived to feed the horses, and the knowledge that winter is once again, not far off.
Print only, double matted and ready to frame, 14" x 11" (10" x 7" image), $35.00. To purchase, click here.
Framed print, 13" x 11" (7" x 5" image), $180.00. To purchase, click here.Gallery Mount, 10" x 7", $65.00. To purchase, click here.
Additional sizes, papers and canvas options on request.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
2010 Art Trail
Just a quick THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by the studio for the Art Trail. We had a great turnout and it was wonderful meeting so many new faces.
If you were unable to attend, studio visits may be scheduled by emailing me at betsy@solacepointe.com.
We will be hosting open studio events starting this fall once the gallery renovation is complete.
And don't forget, the Genesee County portion of the Art Trail takes place on Saturday, September 18 from 10am - 4pm. Contact GoArt! for a map.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Art Trail Map
The 2010 Artist Road Show along the GoArt! Trail takes place this Saturday, August 28, in Orleans County, New York from 10 am - 4 pm. Join us for this exciting opportunity to visit artists and artisans in their studios and at local area businesses. View, purchase or commission your own unique work of art. Download the trail map or contact GoArt! for more information.
We're looking forward to your visit!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
2010 GoArt! Art Trail
The Art Trail for Orleans County is Saturday, August 28 from 10 am - 4 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit with local artists. Some of the artists, like myself, will be opening their studios for the day. Others will be displaying at local businesses or gathering in groups at various locations. For more information on the artists participating in this years Art Trail, please visit GoArt! online.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Featured Art
"Lake Stones"
I feel a certain affinity towards these type of beaches - rock versus sand; they are infinitely more interesting to me and there is comfort in the familiar sound of the rocks underfoot as they are carefully navigated. There is comfort also in the soothing sound of the waves washing over them. Sitting along the waters edge at days end as the waves gently lap the shore and the sun sinks beyond the horizon is one of my favorite indulgences. It is a mingling of scent and sound which brings calm and peace to my very soul.
As a child, summers were spent along the shores of Lake Ontario, where I would often spend my days collecting rocks when I wasn't swimming. I still come home with a bag of colorful stones each time we visit. There are cylinders of them in our living room, which is themed around our mutual love of the water, and the time we spend there as a family: a port in the dead of winter when the bitter cold closes in around me and I long for the carefree days of summer.
Our featured art for the month is an image from a recent trip to Chimney Bluffs. It was a glorious summer day: the water was clear and calm, providing a spectacular view of the lake bed and the perfect opportunity to capture the stones revealed just beneath its' shimmering surface.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, Lustre finish. Brush stroke finish available. Image size 24" x 16", $225.00. To purchase, click here.
Museum and Gallery Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Opening Reception
Thank you to everyone who attended the opening reception of Solace Place, A Ten Year Retrospective. I am especially grateful to Kelly Kiebala, Executive Director of GoArt!, for her assistance.
If you missed the opening reception, the exhibit remains on display through September 10, 2010 at the Bank of Castile Main Gallery at GoArt!, Seymour Place, 201 East Main Street, Batavia, New York. Regular gallery hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm.
Unable to attend in person? View the exhibit online.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Daily News Article
"Wonder and Awe: Nature inspires Orleans artist to create and learn" Feature article that appeared in the Daily News today.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Letchworth Park
Spent the day at Letchworth State Park, one of New York State's natural treasures and one we frequently visit. Located approximately 35 miles Southwest of Rochester, the park encompasses 14,350 acres along the Genesee River. Here are a few images: Named after William Letchworth, who first purchased the land in 1859 and made the Glen Iris - now an inn - his home up until his death in 1910.
Prior to his death, Letchworth offered his home and thousand acre estate to the state of New York as a public park, arranging for the preservation of the gorge and surrounding woodlands.
More images from our visit can be viewed here.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Green Frog
While out at the pond the other day, I came across an unusual Green Frog. It caught my attention because of its' vivid blue coloring; something I have not come across before. Borrowing Michaela's little net, I captured the frog for closer inspection, and then set out to find the answer to my question: why was this green frog, blue?
Frogs have a complex arrangement of cells which provide them the ability to adjust their hue to their surroundings and blend in with their environment. Within their skin are three types of pigment cells (chromatophores) stacked on top of each other. The bottom layer are melanophores, which contain the dark pigment melanin. The middle layer consists of iridophores, which are packed with highly reflective bundles of purine crystals. On top are the xanthophores, which are usually packed with yellowish pteridine pigments.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Exhibit Opening
"Back Forty"
Solace Place, A Ten Year Retrospective featuring fifty photographic works, opened today at the Bank of Castile Main Gallery at GoArt!, Seymour Place, 201 East Main Street, Batavia, New York.
Gallery hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm and by appointment.
An opening reception will be held Saturday, July 17, from 1-3pm. All are welcome to attend.
The exhibit runs through September 10, 2010.
For those unable to attend in person, the exhibit is available for viewing here.
All work is available for purchase.
Featured Art
"Walk These Woods"
An early Spring rain clothes the back woods in mist, giving them an ethereal quality. The woods have beckoned to me this morning, and the dogs and I are reveling in the promise of adventure. The carpet of water-soaked leaves muffles the sound of us moving through the trees, concealing our presence here. It is an awe inspiring morning to be out: the air is cool and crisp and heavy from the rain, and the landscape is still. It is as if we are the only creatures here who stir.
Our featured art for the month is an image of the stately Beech trees that are prominent in this section of the woods, their silver bark transforming them to mere ghosts of the forest in the mist.
3/8" Gallery Mount, 30" x 20" image, $350.00. To purchase, click here.
Additional sizes, papers, frame options and canvas prints available.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lake Alice Reservoir
Michael and I spent the day at Lake Alice on Oak Orchard River. The lake is a 339 acre artificial impoundment created by the Waterport Reservoir Dam in Orleans County, New York. This area has been a favorite spot of mine since childhood, and many hours have been spent exploring the waterfall below the dam and the banks of this beautiful riverbed as it flows north into Lake Ontario. Summers are spent along the river at Point Breeze and the State Marine Park: boating, swimming and fishing.
Today, though, we are headed further upstream. Before a picninc at the lake, we first venture to the falls. The water is running slowly, creating areas along the side that act as steps, providing an opportunity to photograph from an unusual vantage point. Remnants of the Hojack Railroad trestle that once crossed the creek below the falls can still be seen, and as we explore, I recall stories of my early photographic exploits of the bridge and falls in the late seventies and early eighties to Michael - who lovingly listens as if it is the first time he has heard them. At some point I shall have to scan and share these images in a future post. Until then, here are a few images from our visit this morning:Side view of the upper part of the main drop.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Maplewood Rose Garden
Spent Friday morning at Maplewood Rose Garden. This lovely garden is nestled on three and a half acres in the city of Rochester, New York. There are three hundred varieties and over five thousand roses. Here are a few images:Tahitian Sunset
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Photography Exhibit
Solace Place, A Ten Year Retrospective An exhibit featuring fifty photographic works July 1 - September 10, 2010 Bank of Castile Main Gallery at GoArt! Gallery hours are Opening Reception
Seymour Place
201 East Main Street
Batavia, New York 14020
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
and by appointment
Saturday, July 17, 2010 1-3pm
All are welcome to attend
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Featured Art
"Rose - Vavoom"
Luscious orange blooms glow intensely amidst the glossy green foliage and deep mahogany of new growth on this beautiful floribunda. Our featured art captures the attention grabbing effect of these luminous gems of the summer garden.
The ruffled, double blossoms of Vavoom are a focal point in the formal garden tucked away in the southeast corner of the three acre area on the farm affectionately known as "Mommyland". In this portion of the garden, vibrant oranges are intermingled with hues of deep purple; one of my favorite floral color combinations and the theme of this secluded outdoor retreat.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, premier gloss finish. Image size: 16" x 10.7", $125.00. To purchase, click here.
Museum and Gallery Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers, and frame options on request.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Highland Park
Another gorgeous morning at Highland Park. Each visit brings something new as the season progresses. Here are some images from Friday: Rogusa Rose, Yellow
More images here
Prints can be purchased online at Solace Pointe
For those of you who like to customize your own purchases, prints are available through my Imagekind and Fine Art America portfolios.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Featured Art
Old fashioned bleeding hearts have been a gardeners favorite for years. They are a graceful addition to the shade or woodland garden. Their delicate, pendulous, heart shaped blossoms on long arching racemes lend a touch of romance to the Spring garden. Our featured art for the month is an image of Dicentra Spectabilis, one of the most common varieties available, and one of our favorites.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, Premier Gloss finish. Image size 16" x 10.6", $125.00. To purchase, click here.
Museum and Gallery Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Highland Park
Went back to Highland Park Friday Morning. Tulips are in full bloom. Yellow Magnolias were in blossom, though there is evidence of damage from the hard frosts we got during April's cold spell. The lilacs are beginning to open as well, though hopefully they will not peak until the Lilac Festival. It looks as though the Rhododendrons will be beginning to open soon. Weather permitting, I plan to go again this Friday. Til then, enjoy the lastest images... Elizabeth Magnolia
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Virginia Beach
Took a fast and furious trip to Virginia Beach with John and Amanda and friend Kristin to see Matt Tarpey and We Were Gentlemen play their final show. May sound crazy to drive all that way just to watch a band play, but as a fellow musician, John did not pass up the invitation from Matt to go down and support his friend once more. Besides, we all love a rode trip adventure, and John has never been to the ocean. I myself have never visited it stateside. And I love that my kids, now in their twenties, still love hanging out with their Mom just as much as she loves hanging out with them.
We left at 6:30 Friday morning after John got out of work. Traffic on Route 264 was at a snails pace for over fourty miles, and again further on, eating away all the good time we had made the rest of the trip. Arriving at a little after 6pm, we checked into our hotel before heading to the venue where We Were Gentlemen would be playing. Find Gil's easily, we stopped for a bite to eat before going to see the band. Matt was just a little overwhelmed by the show of support, and genuinely thankful for our efforts to be there. I am always amazed at these guys; so quiet and unassuming in person, and completely the opposite onstage. My son is no exception.
Next morning, after breakfast, we spent a few hours on the beach - collecting shells for Michaela and walking in the surf- before getting on the road again; taking a different route home through Virginia along the coast. The rain held til we got to PA, and thankfully Amanda did most of the driving from there until we reached Letchworth. I had reached my limitation, and needed a rest. We drove into Albion around 1:30 am and ironically, the first vehicle we saw had a Virginia plate.
Michaela, though upset she didn't get to go, loved all the treasures we brought back for her. She took a bunch to school to show her class. My dogs, on the other hand, still haven't forgiven me. Is there anything worse than dog guilt? *sigh*
Here's a few pics from our visit:
You can see the rest here It was cool and grey; reminded me of home - Lake Ontario