I'll be posting the first piece in the studio inventory auction on my facebook page shortly. Before I do, here's some more info:
You must "Like" the page in order to participate (That's easy!)
I'll be posting two pieces per week: Monday morning (end Wednesday 9pm est) and Thursday morning (end Saturday 9pm est)
Bidding will be in increments of $5.00. Opening bid will be posted on each individual piece.
I'll notify winners at close. Payments are expected within 5 days, or work will be offered to next highest bidder then relisted. Paypal (betsy@solacepointe.com) or Personal Check (payable to Betsy LaMere) accepted. I will split payments on work over $100; message me for terms. Work ships only after payment clears.
You are responsible for shipping! $5.00 Gallery Mount / $10.00 Framed flat rate. Free shipping on bids over $100. US residents only, sorry. International bidders are welcome; please message me for a shipping quote.
About the work: These are display/exhibit pieces from my personal collection being offered to make room in the gallery for new work. As such, they may have minor touch-ups. All work will be professionally cleaned and inspected prior to shipping; please allow a few extra days for this service. Framed work will ship with plexi glazing.
Questions? Fire away!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Inventory Auction
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Featured Art
"Garden Jewel"
A constant visitor to the garden in front of the south end of the barn, this female ruby throated hummingbird is a familiar sight during my morning and evening trips to the barn.
Undeterred by my presence there, I often stop and watch as she flits from blossom to blossom sipping nectar from the Jacob Cline Monarda which blooms profusely at the back of the garden.
As difficult as hummingbirds can be to photograph in motion, I found capturing one at rest even more challenging. My patience was rewarded with this image of her momentarily perched among the tall grasses beside the paddock fence.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 12 x 8", $85.00. To purchase, click here.
Brush stroke finish, Gallery and Museum Wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers, and frame options on request.
Image also available on notecards.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Art at the Classic
I received confirmation today that both of my photographic entries have been accepted to Art at the Classic, held in conjunction with the 26th Annual Draft Horse Classic in Grass Valley, California, September 20 - 23, 2012.
Now to get them framed! "Days Gone Bye"
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Mi Choyce
He is my very best friend. My inspiration. Muse. Mentor. My heart.
Mi Choyce. Handsome. Bud. Many of you will recognize him as he is most often referred to, The Love of My Life.
Today, we celebrate 30 years together.
There are far too many pictures and memories for one post to do justice, so I've created a page to share some of my favorites.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
CAG "Puppies!" Online Exhibit
"Caleb", one of my two pieces in the Puppies! Exhibit
The last Canine Art Guild online exhibition showcased our old friends. This time around we are celebrating puppies! After all, aren't they old friends in the making? Full of promise, with wrinkled skin and clumsy, clunky paws - they represent the future; one full of wagging butts, sloppy kisses and the knowing weight of an old friend's head on your knee. They test our patience to the limit with an occassional chewed shoe or puddle on the floor - yet warm our hearts with their antics and can draw a smile from even the sternest individual.
Visit the Canine Art Guild to view the entire online exhibit which includes forty nine heartwarming works from a talented array of the guild's members. Be sure to pick your favorite and cast your vote for the People's Choice Award!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Featured Art
"Thanks, Bud"
On Tuesday, July 10, 2012, I will be celebrating 30 years with my very best friend, Mi Choyce. I wrote this blog post several years ago, and while trying to decide on this months featured art I felt this image summed up simply what all of us horse crazy kids know to be true, so I'm sharing it with you again:
Of little girls and horses...
This piece is quite possibly the one of greatest sentimental value to me. A tender moment is exchanged between my then two year old daughter Michaela and my beloved horse, Mi Choyce.
In appreciation of her ride, Michaela marched directly into the hay room, came back with an armload of hay - which she stuffed in his feed bucket - and patted him gently on the head.
That inexplicable connection between little girls and horses, captured in this heartwarming moment. An enduring reminder of one of the simplest joys: friendship.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 24" x 16", $225.00. To purchase, click here.
Brush stroke finish, Gallery and Museum wrap also available. Additional sizes, papers and frame options on request.
Image also available as a large magnet and single or boxed notecards.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Featured Artist @ Imagekind
Thank you Imagekind for selecting me as one of your Featured Artists of the day! :)
Visit http://solacepointe.imagekind.com/store to view available work and purchase prints.
Friday, February 3, 2012
SPBR Transport - Mimi
Image courtesy of Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue
Early tomorrow morning I'll be on my way to St. Louis, Missouri, transporting Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue's Mimi from Buffalo, NY to her adopter Samantha.
Mimi's journey with SPBR started in a kill pound in West Virginia, where she and her five newborn puppies were slated for euthanasia unless a rescue stepped in - which is exactly what SPBR did.
They found a foster and fundraised for her flight to New York, where Mimi would stay until the pups were old enough to be adopted. Samantha learned about Mimi's story, and offered to open her heart and her home to this precious girl.
When coordinator Kristy posted on Facebook asking for volunteers to transport Mimi to St. Louis, I looked at her proposed route in hopes I could volunteer to drive a leg of it. And then it hit me: this dog needs to go to Missouri. Well, that was that. My mind was already sorting out the details of how I could make my plan work as I contacted Kristy to tell her I'd drive Mimi the whole way.
A momentary sense of craziness was followed by excitement.
My daughter Allanah moved to Missouri last fall and her pup Paul Anka was left with us until she got settled. Mimi wouldn't be the only one going home...
The past two weeks have been spent coordinating schedules and sorting out details. With the efforts of a lot of wonderful people (thank you!) tomorrow morning Paul Anka and I will embark on what may be our last adventure together as we drive Mimi to her new home.
A bittersweet journey for all of us, to be certain.
I'll share my weekend adventure with the pups on Monday. Until then, read Mimi's whole story here.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Featured Art
"Paul Anka"
After spending a great deal of the first two years of his life with me, on Saturday, I will be taking Paul Anka on a transport run to St. Louis where he'll be reunited with his girl - my daughter Allanah.
Very simply, I am going to miss him.
Open edition. Unstretched canvas print, lustre finish. Image size: 12" x 8", $85.00. To purchase, click here. Brush Stroke finish, Gallery and Museum wrap also available.
Additional sizes, papers, frame options and gallery mount on request.
Image also available as a 12x18" poster, magnet and single or boxed notecard.
Friday, January 20, 2012
"Helping Paws" Update
I received an email from Eric at Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue letting me know that the donation they received from the sale of the pen and ink drawing "Pick Me!" that I did for the Canine Art Guild's fourth annual "Helping Paws" exhibit - an event to raise funds and awareness with a portion of the proceeds going towards the artist's designated rescue/shelter - would be going towards little Olivia's emergency clinic bill, and I couldn't be happier.
Born December 7th, little Olivia and her seven siblings were rescued along with their Momma Ella from a West Viginia kill pound - a place where, because of their breed, they were unable to be adopted to the public and slated to be euthanized if a rescue organization could not be found to take them.
The dedicated people behind Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue were not about to let that happen.
On Christmas Eve, at just fifteen days old, the pups began to show symptoms of pnuemonia - Olivia's the worst, and she was taken by her foster to the emergency clinic, where they gave her, and the rest of her litter a grim prognosis, telling SPBR that the pups would not make it. Again, the dedicated people behind Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue were not about to let that happen. After incurring a $1,500.00 vet bill for Olivia's emergency clinic two-day stay, she was taken home to have volunteers continue her treatment - oxygen, nebulizer, Unasyn and tube feeding - round the clock. The other pups were put on antibiotics and their condition improved.
Olivia improved daily in their care, and is now happily reunited with her siblings and will be available for adoption in early February.
Read the whole story about this family's incredible journey here: Ella and Eight
If you are able to help, you can Chip In for Olivia's vet bill until January 22nd. Donations after the 22nd can be made by clicking on the link on the left hand corner of Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue's home page: http://www.spbr.org/. Thank you!!
If you haven't visited the Canine Art Guild's "Helping Paws" exhibit, please stop by and be sure to cast your vote for the People's Choice award by January 31st - a monetary donation which also goes to the artist's designated rescue. I would be thrilled to have you place your vote for "Pick Me!" on behalf of Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue!
Pic of Olivia courtesy of Smilin' Pit Bull Rescue